

  El autor a la caza de vacunados   El 23 de agosto de 1972, fecha en que cumplía 22 años de edad, fui reclutado en la ciudad de Berlín Occidental, entonces Alemania Occidental, por una importante agencia de inteligencia internacional con la cual mantuve relaciones continuas y esporádicas hasta la caída del Muro de […]

Sistema Electoral

  Fair Game Valerie Plame is employed by the Central Intelligence Agency, a fact known outside the agency to no one except her husband and parents. She is an intelligence officer involved in a number of sensitive and sometimes dangerous covert operations overseas. Her husband, Joseph C. Wilson, is a diplomat who most recently has served as […]

Claws of Fabianism

  Introduction When I first started to write this booklet (in 2012), the vast majority of Americans would not believe that we could lose the United States to the claws of Communism. We were all suffering from the “Titanic Syndrome”, believing that our ship would not sink. Now may Americans know we are sinking. How […]

Tuatly IS a scam…!!!

It’s a SCAM: don’t buy it…!!!   My order # 30353 was paid in full months ago.  They sent me an email telling me that they found my order, but that I had to be patient.  Never heard from them again.     Feb 2021

¿Se Repite la Historia?

  A raìz del “definitivo triunfo” de Joe Biden, me vino a la mente un segmento de mi libro (publicado en el año 2000), titulado “Regresando del Mar de la Felicidad“, en la que les recomendaba a mis lectores venezolanos que no se olvidaran de todo lo que habìa en Venezuela antes de que las […]

¿ Y Si No Pasa Nada ?

Los “americanos” se están politizando con esta tragicomedia de las “elecciones” 2020.  Contrariamente a la Venezuela pre-Castro, los venezolanos no participaban mucho en las elecciones regionales: ¡eran las presidenciales las que atraían al público!  En EEUU, porcentualmente, se votaba más en las elecciones del condado que en las elecciones para la presidencia.  Querían saber las […]

Chapter One

  Introduction When I first started to write this booklet (in 2012), the vast majority of Americans would not believe that we could lose the United States to the claws of Communism. We were all suffering from the “Titanic Syndrome”, believing that our ship would not sink. Now may Americans know we are sinking. How […]

Balseros Venezolanos

  En 1994 saliendo Cuba del terrible “período especial”, donde los cubanos tuvieron que comer hasta suela de zapatos, a Fidel Castro le pegó la luna (o tal vez para deshacerse de muchas bocas y agilizar “la recuperación” económica de la isla) y les dijo a los cubanos que todos aquellos que se quisieran ir […]

NS of A

Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America   This transcript of the Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America was transferred from Col. Arch Roberts’ website at Committee to Restore the Constitution.  When possible, we transfer whole files — always giving credit to its source — in the event a website with pertinent information may be […]


Directorio x Miami2021 x

Robert Alonso Presenta

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